

In today’s industry, the type of processes used impliies a significant use level of energy resources such as electricity, gas, water, etc…., more over, the volume of resource use is more pronounced. The cost of all these resources is, therefore, a strong impact on the cost of the products to be manufactured, and, of course, in the final selling price of these.

These costs can be significantly reduced through energy savings measures, practical, simple, and being the majority of them very profitable investments in the short and medium term.

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At this point is where from Juan Palacios S.L. is able to contributes improving our clients, by performing certain services aimed at finding these Energy Efficiency. This Energy Efficiency, which will involve obtaining more production with less resources used, contribute to obtaining a profit, not just economic, also social and environmental. That’s why we offer a service of Energy Advisory, Energy Audit and another through the analysis and improvement of systems and processes in the field of ( compressed air production, reactive compensation, pumping systems, equipment ventilation / extraction, etc…). As important tools in these analyzes, we used Thermography and Quality Analysis of Electrical Supply.

Thermography, as well as being an important tool for predictive maintenance, in this case provide information on leak detection systems ( HVAC buildings, cold storage structures, structures ovens, steam distribution systems, cooling distribution systems, Etc … ) . This detection can allow big savings in our energy costs .

On the other hand, the analysis of Power Quality is also a key point for energy savings as they can uncover problems (harmonics in the network, loose connections, bad ground installation, Mala voltage regulation Problems reactive power, etc. … ) that impact very directly and key energy saving.

As our qualification certification in energy efficiency, Juan Palacios SL, we are part of the international program implemented by multinational EcoXpert known as Schneider Electric . EcoXpert This certificate proves that we have the confidence and support of the multinational and that the projects we undertake always meet the highest standards of quality, innovation and efficiency, backed it by a world leader as Schneider Electric.


During all this years, there have been plenty of customers than have trusted in us. In addition to industrial automation projects, we have developed a several number of electrical and industrial enginnering projects for differents markets. That’s why we are a national leader company in industrial automation and electricity projects. These are our services: